Attention Greenscene! Get ready for an exhilarating journey through the latest developments in the Utah Medical Cannabis Program. No more tedious government reports to sift through. We, your trusted team at Salt Baked City, have curated the most exciting highlights from the Center for Medical Cannabis’ June update. So, grab your favorite strain, get comfortable, and let’s delve into the groundbreaking world of Utah medical cannabis.

The patient population of Utah’s medical cannabis program is steadily growing, with a notable increase of 1.9%. In May, the number of active medical cannabis card holders rose impressively from 68,994 patients in April to 70,325 patients. This surge reflects the growing acceptance and recognition of medical cannabis as a valuable treatment option for a diverse range of medical conditions in the state.

Now, let’s dive into the thrilling updates from the June update. New patients, pay close attention as we bring you the key points in a language you can understand. Say hello to the brand-new mobile-friendly medical cannabis patient tracker. No more struggling to remember which strains and doses work best for you. This handy tracker can be downloaded and saved right on your electronic device, acting as your personal cannabis guru guiding you towards the perfect experience. So, track away and unlock the cannabis combinations that suit you best. Don’t forget! We have sticky-icky strain reviews already built on most of these products on the Salt baked City website.

But that’s not all! The program has also unveiled a comprehensive guide to understanding medical cannabis product labels. Finally, you can decode the mysteries hidden within those intricate labels. Bid farewell to confusion and embrace enlightenment. Become a label-savvy cannabis connoisseur armed with the knowledge to choose the perfect products for your needs.

Now, let’s meet the heroes of the Medical Cannabis Policy Advisory Board, the individuals shaping the future of medical cannabis in Utah. Visit the program’s website to uncover these mighty champions who are working towards a brighter future. And guess what? Their meetings are open to the public! Grab your popcorn and witness the cannabis revolution unfolding before your very eyes.

Attention all medical cannabis patients! The University of Utah wants to hear from you. They’re conducting the SUBLIME research study, exploring the experiences of medical cannabis patients in Utah. If you meet the study’s criteria, don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to scientific knowledge. Find more information and sign up on the program’s website, embarking on a sublime journey of discovery.

Let’s not forget the Compassionate Use Board (CUB) and their newfound powers to regulate medical cannabis products and devices. Stay tuned for formal letters that will be sent to patients and their QMPs, providing details on these restrictions. Fear not, the information will also be available in your EVS account. If you have any questions, seek enlightenment from the CUB itself.

In a major development, starting July 8, 2023, the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) will take charge of managing medical cannabis pharmacies. Don’t worry, dear patients and providers, as nothing will change for you. The reliable EVS remains your faithful companion for managing recommendations. Pharmacists, you’re safe too. DHHS will continue overseeing your registration and education. However, medical cannabis pharmacy agents will now find solace in the warm embrace of UDAF for compliance visits and registration queries.

Last but certainly not least, let’s applaud the Cannabis Research Review Board (CRRB). These brilliant minds review cannabis research and provide valuable recommendations to the Utah Legislature and the DHHS Center for Medical Cannabis. They are unraveling the secrets of cannabis, one study at a time, propelling us towards a brighter future.

And that concludes our Cliff Notes version of the June update from the Utah Medical Cannabis Program. Stay tuned for more exciting news, and remember to enjoy your cannabis adventures responsibly. Until next time, happy toking from the team at Salt Baked City!