Grower: Standard Wellness
Purchased: Dragonfly Wellness, 6/30/2020, 3.5 Grams
Price: $55.00 an 8th
Genetics: Indica Dominant Hybrid; heritage Indica, strain OGKB (aka OG Kush Breath) crossed with another Indica, Face Off OG.
Cannabinoid Profile: 40.5% THCA, .89% THC, .01%CBD, .05%CBN + Terpene Cacophony

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I assume all of us have our own ways of gauging the potency of a cannabis strain.  For me, a test I like to do is the lake walk. Today, my walk-time was about 3 minutes slower than normal. Which is saying something because I was trying to break my previous record this time around. You’re probably asking yourself what this has to do with the delicious strain from Standard Wellness called Do-Si-Dos. After applying all of my tests, including a new one in the process, I can tell you, this custom leaf sang LOUD.  

Squeezing open the semi-translucent plastic container, I was caught by the savory OG-funk aroma, which was followed by a floral herb dankness.  Despite a little crumb in the jar, Do-SI-Dos buds were dense and handled nicely. Frankly, I was anticipating a little more trichome showoff. I didn’t discover the secret until after I had broken down a bud. Only then did I find its hidden layers of trichome inside the nugs. Dense indeed.

Upon first consumption, I met an old friend appropriately named couchlock.  We’ve been apart too long, which made this all the more enjoyable. The Indica heritage really shines bright in Do-Si-Dos. My experience began with sharpened creative awareness, and a softening of my resistance to new ideas. Which then faded into a deep relaxation of body and mind.  

Though I’d like this strain on my anytime shelf, for most people, Do-Si-Dos probably belongs in the evening stack. Suggested activities in the following order: listen to a podcast on the porch, take a nap, eat some dinner, and then have another nap. 

If I were to give this strain a theme song, it might be The Weed Song by Bone Thugs-n-Harmony.  The OG heritage and aroma of Do-Si-Dos reminded me of yesteryear’s early 2000’s RAP. Activities I wouldn’t recommend: anything that involves leaving your current location. I’ll also say this, I was vaulted back in time to some of my first cannabis moments.  Settle on in, and prepare to dance a Do-Si-Dos.

Time to unveil the elephant in the room.  40% THC is an extraordinary number.  Mystical, some say.  A quick Google search yielded dozens of articles on various strains of cannabis in the 30 to 35% range. But I couldn’t find anything higher than an Oregon strain called Future (#1), by 7 Points Oregon (The Portland Mercury), and it only tested at 37.2%.  

Maybe a higher potency exists out there, but as for the stuff outs here in the open, 40% truly is astounding. Especially in Utah, with its brand-new medical cannabis program. That said, I do trust the Utah Department of Health is doing its best to accurately test and qualify such medicines. So, the 40% should be fairly accurate.  

Here’s a little experiment I ran to help me quantify the potency of this bud. The economics of cannabis consumption has always fascinated me, and that fascination bubbled to the surface as I pondered the attributes of this awesome strain. I calculated the edible medicine that could be made from a single gram of this loud bud, and determined that 400 mg of medicine could be produced.

To me, that is quite impressive.  So impressive, I decided to test a batch of freshly infused treats with a gram of Do-Si-Dos. I do these sorts of experiments on occasion, though normally with lower quality buds, which is why I feel remiss for doing this sort of thing with such beautiful cannabis. This experiment was a testament to how curious I truly was. 

Conveniently, my end-results split equally into 6 pieces. This medicated each piece with an easy to remember, and likely, a reasonable dose for most folks at 66.6 mg of THC. I confirm a single serving experience is similar to what I would get from a 60 mg serving of a Dragonfly Hygge edible, perhaps a bit more.  To me, it was clear this bud backs-up the numbers. Next, ran a double-blind placebo brownie study to further confirm these numbers. Okay, not really

Back to the plant matter-at-hand. Do-Si-Dos has a dense structure, with bright greens and fabulous purple highlights. Excellent trim work was done, leaving a trichome forest standing on green calyx peaks. Once ground up, I found a nice sticky pinch.

I have to wonder if the flaky bits in the jars come from being in storage during State testing. Speaking of products at rest, if you are going to keep this strain around for more than a week or two, I would make sure to use your own jar. The pharmacy lid, while fitting nicely at first, doesn’t seem to fit as snugly once the jar’s been opened. The extra space at the tops of jars can lead to dry buds if it’s left in the original jar for too long. 

I’ll keep this strain around as long as it stays on shelves,  I found the flavorful, weedy musk in the back of my throat highly satisfying. For me, this Indica-spectrum Do-SI-Dos was right on point.