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Extractor: Mother Liquor
Purchased: Wholesome Co Cannabis
Price: $100 per gram
Genetics: Purple Punch; grown by Tryke
Cannabinoid Profile: 86.19% THC, 0.84% CBD, 0.24% CBDA, 0.08% CBN

The many individuals involved in the burgeoning concentrates industry seem to continually develop new and improved methods of cannabinoid extraction and concentration.  Tyler Thompson and the folks at Mother Liquor are certainly part of that cohort of pioneering individuals.  The effectiveness of their latest product, a delightfully potent hash rosin made with Purple Punch cannabis, is evidence enough. 

Upon inhale, I felt the familiar expansion in my third-eye region that I associate with cannabis concentrate products.  However, this product had more depth than others I have tried.  A pleasant numbness began around the sides of my eyes and any sort of stress, tension or negativity seemed to melt away.  As time continued, my mind was quiet and peaceful, though still spacey and heady. The aches and pains from a half day out hiking in the woods and bouldering were also quieted.

Patients with nausea, mild physical pain, and those in need of general stoniness, could potentially find relief in this product.  Purple Punch flower, from which this hash rosin is made, is used by some to relieve stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression; so it can perhaps be assumed that those properties would carry over to this concentrated version. 

The Purple Punch used in this product was supplied by local grower Tryke.  In order to produce this hash rosin, the cured plant material was first given an ice bath, then sifted, then the best product was selected and freeze dried.  From this hash, the final taffy like rosin was created by using pressure and heat. The resulting hash rosin is a beautiful peanut-brown color.  

Upon opening the glass jar, expect a nice hashy weed nose.  I really appreciated the nose on this product and it was also, strangely enough, very nostalgic to me, reminding me of the first few times that I ever smelled good weed.  There is a nice toasted weed taste on the inhale; that is, dare I say, reminiscent of a very clean traditional hash hit. 

Speaking of the jar, one of the incredible things Mother Liquor has done is provide the terpene profile of this product!  This is the first time that a Utah Medical Cannabis product is available with this information.  Now patients have even more information as to what is in the medicine they are consuming.   With this additional knowledge, patients will be able to further fine-tune medicinal preferences. 

Personally, my preference has always been to consume cannabis via the flowers.  However, when I come across concentrate products that have the flavor and depth of this product, I am nearly swayed. I will admit this: I’ll stock up on another gram of Mother Liquor product as soon as I can! 
