In this Kush Conversation, we settle in for a session with Mia Hicken, the dynamic frontwoman of Drusky, an indie garage rock sensation making waves in Utah’s music scene. Since their launch in 2019, Drusky has soared to new heights following the release of their debut album, Cake & Absinthe, and the buzz surrounding their upcoming Northwest tour.

By day, Mia commands the floor as a budtender at Salt Lake City’s Dragonfly Wellness, navigating patients through the intricate world of medical cannabis in Downtown Salt Lake City. Her dual roles as a musician and cannabis aficionado provide her with a unique perspective on the plant’s diverse benefits, both creatively and therapeutically.

Mia shares how cannabis serves as a catalyst for her creativity, acting as a foundation for maintaining her well-being and achieving balance amidst life’s chaotic rhythm. Drusky’s music strikes a chord with fans drawn to Mia’s raw authenticity and unwavering passion. So, grab your stash and get ready to vibe with Mia Hicken from Drusky.

How does cannabis influence your creative process when writing music for Drusky? Have you noticed any particular strains or consumption methods that enhance your musical inspiration?

I am definitely a fan of inhalation methods, but that isn’t always ideal when I’m singing so I also use tinctures and edibles. I really like RSO or high CBG products for creativity. The mint chocolate tincture by Fruit of Life, the Blueberry Lemon RSO gummies by Standard Wellness have been repeat buys of mine for writing. When it comes to flower, I’ve been enjoying Magic by betty because the THC is lower but the CBG is really high.

As both a budtender and a musician, how do you balance your professional life at Dragonfly Wellness with your artistic pursuits in Drusky? Do you find that cannabis plays a role in maintaining that balance?

I feel very lucky because Dragonfly has been very understanding when working with my music schedule, which can be a little wacky sometimes. The proximity to Kilby Court, Urban Lounge, and Metro Music Hall has been incredibly convenient as well. My coworkers are amazing and super encouraging of my musical endeavors, and a lot of them have even come to multiple shows!

Can you share a memorable experience where cannabis has played a significant role in shaping a song or performance with Drusky? How did it contribute to the overall vibe or message of the music?

Both cannabis and music have helped me to navigate the chaos of existence and become comfortable amidst it. There are a few songs on the album that have lyrics alluding to cannabis use. I wrote them a few years ago when I was wrestling a mess of guilt and weird feelings that were tied into leaving a religion. My newer, unreleased songs are a lot more open about it.

In your interactions with patients at Dragonfly Wellness, have you noticed any common misconceptions or stereotypes about cannabis that you’ve had to address? How does your personal experience as a musician and cannabis enthusiast inform those discussions?

There are so many ways to utilize it without just seeking psychoactive effects, and that’s been awesome to learn about. I’ve seen a lot of people who are trying cannabis for the very first time and sometimes it’s very clear they are scared out of their mind because of all of the stigmas. Helping people to figure out how to target what they need instead of just coating everything in THC has been really rewarding.

As a musician and someone involved in the cannabis industry, how do you navigate the intersection of artistry and advocacy for cannabis legalization and destigmatization? How does Drusky contribute to that dialogue through its music?

Cannabis comes up as a topic of conversation very often, and I take every chance I get to talk about the medicinal benefits. I believe strongly that it should be normalized and destigmatized, and the first step to doing that is talking about it and educating people.

Beyond the creative aspects, how does cannabis contribute to your overall well-being and lifestyle? Are there specific ways in which you incorporate cannabis into your daily routine to promote mental and physical health?

My wrists and nerves are kind of messed up from a combination of working as a dog groomer, poor posture, and genetics. Topicals and RSO have been very helpful when it comes to pain relief so I can play guitar. I also have ADHD and cannabis has helped me to stay focused and productive. High pinene products are definitely to thank for this tour getting booked.

Drusky has gained a following for its high-energy live performances. How does cannabis factor into your preparation for a show, both in terms of mindset and physical readiness? Do you have any pre-show rituals that involve cannabis?

I usually take a few hits of a hybrid or slightly indica vape right before a show. I feel like it helps me to drown out any anxiety and just focus on how happy and excited I am to be playing music and doing what I love most! I’ve noticed that products with a Linalool/Limonene combination tend to make me uplifted and calm, which is right where I want to be.

As you prepare for your first tour into the northwest, what are you most excited about experiencing in the region, both musically and culturally? And do you have any expectations or hopes for unique encounters or adventures along the way?

I’m excited to get a taste of some different music scenes! We are playing with at least one local band in each city, and booking this tour has made me realize just how unique each regions’ sound is. I’ve been navigating the Utah scene since I was 17 and I love the variety of humans and ideas that are involved in this community, so I think it will be really rewarding to expand that experience.

For a behind-the-scenes glimpse into Mia’s world and Drusky’s musical journey, follow them on Instagram:


Photo Credit: Ashley Boyd