Being a mom is hard. We are over-worked and constantly helping everyone around us. Moms are stressed and anxious and have little time to relax. I have had several patients report that cannabis allows them to manage a number of medical conditions and better connect with their children and their partner. 

Cannabis allows us to temporarily forget about our never ending to do lists and live in the moment. It helps moms enjoy mundane tasks like playing dress-up with toddlers, watching episodes of My Little Pony, or folding that mountain of laundry after the two-hour bedtime routine that must be performed just right every evening. You know you’ve been there. 

And as a bonus, studies show that women who use cannabis are found to exercise more and have more sex compared to those who don’t. When it comes to socializing there is currently a cultural shift from the “wine mom” to the “weed mom” and for many it can be a healthier option that comes without addiction risks or hangovers the next day. Many moms in Utah are happily trading in their Xanax and Prozac prescriptions for cannabis recommendations.

April Miera, founder and creative director of The Kush Ladies, Terra Health and Wellness, and mother to two young children says, “as a mom I found so much of my life was in the concept of others’ standards in parenting and image.” 

“As I learned to use my plant medicine to find my inner self, I found myself becoming a better mom and feeling less responsible for others’ misconceptions of what it means to be a Kush Lady. Our education in plant medicine is key to shaping our response and I hope every mom knows she is worth the investment. Self-care is not optional for Kush Ladies. It’s an investment in our future and our families,” she added.

Tips on how to medicate responsibly 

I recommend always using the smallest dose possible which we often refer to as ‘microdosing’. 

Tinctures and inhalation routes are the easiest dosage forms to microdose. Inhalation routes are nice because their effects wear off in a couple hours so you can be medicated for just small portions of your day. 

During the day use products that are lower in THC and higher in other cannabinoids such as CBD and CBG. Use the lowest amount of THC possible. The goal is to be happy, present and productive…not to be impaired. 

The right dose can deliver a calm focus that allows moms to tackle their days gracefully. I recommend combining your medication with mindfulness activities like yoga, meditation, being in nature, and creative endeavors. 

How open should I be about cannabis use with my children? 

This is a personal preference that depends on many factors such as the age and maturity level of your child, the culture where you live, and your partner or co-parenting situation. If appropriate, I believe it’s best to always err on the side of truthfulness and harm reduction. Normalizing cannabis use does not mean we should ever allow or condone early or excessive consumption in our teenagers. It’s important to educate your tweens and teens about the harmful effects of cannabis use in brains that are still developing. 


Make sure all your cannabis products are kept in their original child resistant container and locked up in a safe. This protects your children (and pets) from accidental consumption. Use common sense. Never be overmedicated when you are the only adult caring for a newborn, driving a vehicle, or watching children in dangerous situations like at a swimming pool or near rivers. Moms already know this but it’s important to remember we need to be running on all cylinders while actively parenting.

And I do not recommend cannabis while pregnant or breastfeeding. We still don’t know enough about the long-term risks. 

In Conclusion

Too often we judge moms more harshly than other members of society. It’s time we give moms a break and normalize medicating with cannabis. The most important part of using cannabis as a mom is doing so responsibly – in a way that positively enriches our life and allows us to take good care of ourselves and our loved ones. 

– this article was submitted by Mindy Madeo (The Green Pharmacist), Lead Pharmacist at Beehive Farmacy in Brigham City, Utah.