Most people that we talk to in Utah about medical cannabis are reluctant to take it during the day. 

Many people are comfortable taking cannabis products in the evening after work to relax and sleep, as well as to treat medical conditions. However, many people smirk at the idea of daytime use. The main reasons are:

  1. I don’t want to be high or impaired (when I am at work, driving or taking care of my kids).
  2. I take pharmaceutical medications instead.
  3. I don’t need to take anything.

While Salt Baked City doesn’t promote taking more medication than needed, the medicinal benefits of cannabis can be appropriate at any time of the day – for medical treatment as well as for health and wellness.

There are hundreds of bioactive compounds contained in the cannabis plant that impart medicinal benefits. There are more than 100 different cannabinoids, more than 200 different terpenes, more than 100 different flavonoids, and even some vitamins and minerals. These compounds have been scientifically shown to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid receptors to alleviate pain, inflammation, muscle spasms, nausea, anorexia, anxiety, insomnia, seizures and rash, as well as to impart mood-enhancing, neuroprotective, immunoregulatory, and even antitumor effects. 

In reality, the majority of chemical compounds in cannabis are not considered psychoactive, intoxicating or impairing. One of the major cannabinoids, delta-9 THC, is the compound responsible for the majority of intoxicating effects of cannabis products. Several minor cannabinoids, such as delta-8-THC and delta-10-THC, have similar but weaker psychoactive effects. The other major cannabinoid CBD and other minor cannabinoids, such as CBG, CBN, CBGa, CBDa, THCa and THCv, do not have intoxicating effects. Therefore, by selecting cannabis products that are low in THC but high in other cannabinoids, we can avoid or closely manage any undesired psychoactivity while still receiving powerful medicinal benefits! 

A low dose of THC would typically be considered to be 5 mg or less, but each person will have their own tolerance level. A medicinal dose of CBD or CBG is considered to be 10-20 mg to start, 25-50 mg on average, and up to 300-600 mg at the high end. The higher the dose of cannabinoids, the higher the cost which is often $0.10/mg. 

There are thousands of different cannabis flower varieties (cultivars) and thousands of processed cannabis products. Our Utah cannabis pharmacies and out-of-state dispensaries are full of products with various quantities of THC as well as products containing different combinations of cannabinoids and terpenes. 

As patients and consumers, we can choose the products that will work best for us at different times of the day, based on the most appropriate combinations of compounds and best route of administration to treat our medical conditions and impart health benefits.

For daytime use without impairment, many people choose CBD or CBG-dominant products. These are most commonly cannabis hemp-derived products containing <0.3% THC, which can be purchased “over the counter” or “on-line”, being federally legal under the 2018 Farm Bill. However, CBD and CBG-containing products with >0.3% THC are also available in our cannabis pharmacies, often at CBD:THC ratios of 1:1 and higher. For example, a CBD:THC 1:1 product contains equal amounts of CBD and THC, such as 5 mg of CBD and 5 mg of THC or 10 mg of CBD and 10 mg of THC, etc.  A higher ratio of CBD relative to THC, helps to reduce the psychoactive effects of THC. For example, a CBD:THC 4:1 product could contain 20 mg of CBD and 5 mg of THC, while a CBD:THC 10:1 product could contain 25 mg of CBD and 2.5 mg of THC. It is important to realize that the ratio is just one part of the formulation, as you also need to know the quantity or dose. 

We often recommend CBD-dominant products with <0.3% THC as a daily supplement along with vitamins and minerals (Vit D3, Vit B12, magnesium oxide, zinc), fish oil, turmeric, ashwagandha, lion’s mane, etc.

Additionally, CBD:THC products with relatively low THC at <0.3% THC or <5 mg of THC, can be taken to impart even more medicinal, analgesic and anxiolytic effects without significant impairment during the day. 

Also, THC-dominant products containing activating terpenes (“Sativa” types with limonene, pinene and Beta-caryophyllene) can be taken in low doses of THC for medicinal and energizing effects. Of course, it is important to try these products on a day without important personal responsibilities in order to assess the possible psychoactive effects and make dosage adjustments.

For immediate effects, the quickest onset is obtained from inhalation of flower, whole plant concentrates or vape cartridges. These products have different potencies of THC, which can influence impairment. One inhalation of flower (average 20% THC) is approximately 2.5-3 mg, which can be considered low dose THC. However, one inhalation of wax/dab (average 60%THC) is 7.5 to 10 mg. One inhalation of a vape cartridge (average 80% THC) is 10-15 mg. The effects are generally short-lasting for 2-3 hrs.

For intermediate onset and duration, tinctures and lozenges that absorb under the tongue take effect in 15-20 minutes and last 3-6 hrs. Topical salves can also impart quick-acting effects when applied to skin rashes, painful joints or other areas to manage pain.  

For the longest lasting effects, edibles or capsules and tinctures that are swallowed can offer effects lasting 6-12 hours but will often take 1-2 hours to start to have an effect and not peak for 3-4 hours. Therefore, starting at a low dose and having patience are key to a good experience. 

Most people use different products or combinations of products during the day as compared to at night in order to achieve the best management of their medical conditions.  Some experimentation is required, but the adage of “start low and go slow” can help you to find your most effective personalized regimen.