Nestled in the heart of Sugar House in Salt Lake City, Chris Lott’s garden bursts with vibrant life, serving as a sanctuary where therapeutic energy thrives. Amidst the lush greenery, blooming flowers, and mini-fruit trees, Chris finds profound solace, a strength mirrored in his relationship with medical cannabis. In this serene oasis, the world’s challenges dissolve, replaced by the calming embrace of nature’s wonders. Here unfolds Chris’s journey with cannabis—a powerful tale of healing, advocacy, and personal growth.

Chris, a middle-aged gay man, has been a dedicated advocate for medical cannabis for years. His work with the Utah Patient’s Coalition (UPC) and his personal experiences with the plant illustrate a profound and transformative relationship. “Cannabis always had some role in many of my memories as a kid,” Chris reflects. Raised by non-LDS parents in a small northern Utah town, his childhood was immersed in the countercultural ethos of the 1970s, where icons like Cheech and Chong were early influences.

A Lifelong Medicinal Relationship

For Chris, cannabis has always transcended its recreational use, becoming a crucial component of his medicinal toolkit. The passage of Utah Proposition 2, which legalized medical cannabis, marked a pivotal moment in his life. “Once the law passed, I immediately began the process of acquiring a medical [cannabis] card,” Chris recounts. “The stress of constant paranoia from previous years had taken a toll on my mental health. With my card in hand, I could now finally smile at a policeman without the constant fear of incarceration.” For Chris, the legalization of cannabis has been liberating and empowering, like a breath of fresh air after years of suffocation.

Illustrating the profound impact of cannabis on his life, Chris utilizes the plant to treat multiple conditions, including an incurable chronic immune condition, chronic depression, anxiety, and severe PTSD from traumatic experiences in his teenage years.At just 16, he endured punishment and unnecessary rehabilitation for using cannabis, an experience that instilled a deep distrust in the medical community. Regrettably, Chris’s story echoes the experiences of many other young individuals in Utah who find themselves in similar situations.Reflecting on his struggles, he shares, “I would have most likely committed suicide years ago without having cannabis. It allows me to focus on tasks, make better relationships through empathy and understanding, and cope with a world that is constantly on the verge of complete destruction.” Now, free from judgment and the fear of incarceration, he can legally access the plant, marking a liberating shift from his past.

Daily Life with Cannabis

Embedded in Chris’s daily regimen, cannabis seamlessly integrates with his morning rituals of fruits, vitamins, adaptogenic herbal tea, and yoga. While he favors vaping for its convenience and rapid effects, he turns to full-spectrum edibles for sustained relief and restorative sleep. Years of exploration have equipped Chris with an intimate understanding of the terpenes and cannabinoids that resonate most with his body, finding sanctuary in sativa hybrid cultivars where Myrcene reigns supreme.

Advocacy and Community Involvement

This devoted Utah medical cannabis patient’s steadfast commitment to cannabis advocacy radiates through his active engagement with the Utah Patient’s Coalition (UPC). Since the inception of advocacy efforts years ago, Chris has emerged as a leading figure in Utah’s cannabis movement. Whether delivering speeches at events, participating in on-camera interviews, or contributing to digital and print media, he has remained unwaveringly dedicated to catalyzing change. His commitment further extends to the UPC’s subsidy program, which he regards as a vital support system during his most trying times.

“We need relentless advocacy and collaboration with Utah legislators to shape laws that profoundly impact cannabis patients,” Chris insists, emphasizing the importance of ongoing efforts to enact meaningful change.

His drive to champion cannabis legalization and patient rights is deeply rooted in his belief in individual autonomy over medication. “Denying patients access to effective treatment is nothing short of cruelty,” he asserts passionately. Fueled by a profound disdain for pharmaceutical giants, alcohol conglomerates, and tobacco corporations, Chris is resolute in his determination to dismantle systems that have marred modern society with racial biases and injustice.

Coping with Personal Tragedy

In 2022, Chris faced the tragic loss of his 17-year-old step-daughter to rhabdomyosarcoma. The experience was excruciating, but cannabis and gardening provided solace. “Without daily heavy doses of edibles, there is no way I could have gotten through that extremely difficult time,” Chris admits. He spent countless hours in a hospital cancer ward, finding escape and peace in the act of gardening. He wishes he could grow cannabis in his garden, feeling that home-grow rights for patients are a crucial next step for Utah’s medical cannabis program.

Reflecting on his journey, Chris offers candid advice to those grappling with similar hardships: prioritize finding the most effective coping mechanisms. He cautions against the pitfalls of dependency on prescription medications, advocating instead for the healing power of natural and carefully controlled substances like cannabis.

Enriching Life Through Community and Creativity

Chris’s immersion in Utah’s cannabis community has profoundly enriched his life, providing him with not only the therapeutic benefits of the plant but also the platform to advocate for its broader acceptance. Through his active involvement, he has emerged as a pillar of support and guidance for newcomers, offering valuable insights and assistance in navigating the complexities of the medical cannabis program. Yet, Chris’s contributions extend beyond advocacy alone. His passion for photography seamlessly intertwines with his dedication to cannabis, as he expertly captures images of local cannabis products showcased in Salt Baked City and various other platforms. Reflecting on this intersection, Chris muses, “Cannabis enables me to tap into deeper meaning and qualities,” underscoring the profound impact of the plant on his creative pursuits. Indeed, for Chris, cannabis transcends its medicinal role; it serves as a catalyst for exploration, expression, and empowerment.

Dispelling Misconceptions and Looking Forward

Chris is on a mission to shatter stereotypes surrounding medical cannabis patients. “We come from every corner of American society now; it’s not just a stereotype of hippies anymore,” he adamantly asserts. With unwavering determination, he advocates for reforms in Utah’s medical cannabis laws, particularly advocating for the removal of restrictive clauses like the “no combustion” rule, which he believes impedes patients’ access to the full spectrum of benefits offered by cannabis.

Looking forward, Chris envisions a medical cannabis program that maintains rigorous standards of quality and consistency, irrespective of federal legalization. He dreams of a future where cannabis is de-scheduled at the federal level, a symbolic recognition of its vital medical significance and cultural relevance. With the imminent rescheduling of cannabis to Schedule III, expected to be finalized in 2025, Chris’s optimism is evident. He sees this as a significant stride towards acknowledging the plant’s medical importance and anticipates a landscape where medical cannabis is embraced and respected for its profound healing potential. This transition paves the way for a brighter, more inclusive future where individuals can access the benefits of cannabis without stigma or hindrance.

A Lifelong Commitment

Chris Lott’s journey with cannabis is one of resilience, advocacy, and profound personal growth. His story is a testament to the transformative power of cannabis, especially in a state like Utah, where the plant’s use is still a topic of contention. “After 50 years of countless documented cases of improved health results or conditions across the world, how can anyone dispute the medical importance and legitimacy of cannabis?” Chris questions.

As Chris continues his advocacy work and creative endeavors, he remains a guiding light and inspiration for Utah’s medical cannabis community. His lifelong commitment to the plant and the fight for patient rights underscores the ongoing struggle for acceptance and understanding in a state where the conversation around cannabis is just beginning to evolve.