Nestled in the heart of Sugar House in Salt Lake City, Chris Lott’s garden bursts with vibrant life, serving as a sanctuary where therapeutic energy thrives. Amidst the lush greenery, blooming flowers, and mini-fruit trees, Chris finds profound solace, a strength...
As the cannabis landscape experiences profound changes both within Utah and beyond, I find myself reflecting on the significance of these transformations. This edition is packed with insights, interviews, and reviews that my team and I are eager to share with you. The...
Top 5 Reasons a Plug Will Blow You Off: “Ran Outta Gas, Bro” – Translation: They’re too stoned to drive or can’t find their keys. “My Phone Died” – AKA: They’re ghosting you for a better-paying customer. “Had to...
Step into the immersive world of reggae-infused rock and gritty vibes, where the Skumbudz trio—comprising Kade Long as the lead singer/guitarist, Colin Eggface on bass, and Christian Shupe on drums—unveil their tales straight from the beating heart of Salt Baked City....
In the heart of the mighty Wasatch Range, where the air is thin and the mountains loom large, Salt Lake City has a peculiar dance with winter. Locals affectionately refer to it as the “inversion,” a climatic phenomenon where cold air traps pollutants in...
In an unexpected twist, Utah, a state known for its conservative leanings, is boldly navigating the waters of medical cannabis reform. As tradition clashes with the winds of change, the state finds itself at a pivotal moment in its history. However, amid this...