In Utah’s ever-evolving medical cannabis landscape, a momentous development is unfolding, sparking profound discussions and concerns among stakeholders and patients. The focal point of this transformation is Cannabist, a prominent medical cannabis dispensary...
In a state known for its breathtaking landscapes and majestic mountains, a different kind of symphony is gaining prominence – the harmonious interplay of terpenes and cannabis. As the medical cannabis community in Utah continues to flourish, the spotlight is shifting...
As the sun dipped below the rugged Utah horizon, I embarked on a weekend journey to discover the wonders concealed within Pure Plan’s selection of cannabis flower I see so often in Utah’s medical cannabis pharmacies. A triad of strains awaited – Yahemi,...
Utah’s medical cannabis patients and enthusiasts, brace yourselves for a fresh batch of updates straight from the DHHS Center for Medical Cannabis! With all the regulatory changes and evolving policies, the journey through the state’s medical cannabis...
Greetings, fellow cannabis aficionados of Utah! If you find yourself seeking the perfect strain to elevate your medical cannabis experience to new heights, look no further. The highly esteemed Sugar House Selects has unleashed an evolved version of their acclaimed...
As we celebrate Juneteenth, a day that commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States, it is essential to reflect on the profound influence Black Americans have had on various cultural, social, and political movements. One such...