For the past century various religious texts have been used as a weapon by many perpetrators of the failed war on drugs. The text of the Bible in particular has been wielded furiously by those who were part of the cannabis counterculture: the pot heads, reefer...
All cannabis consumers have different tolerances for cannabinoids, and more specifically for THC. A dose of 5 mg may be extremely psychoactive for one patient, and not even register for another. Why is it that two people who have never consumed cannabis before may...
Despite cannabis legalization sweeping the country, a traditional market for the illicit plant has existed for thousands of years. The cannabis plant originated in central Asia and has been traveling the world with humans ever since its discovery, being used for...
In 2018, Utah passed the “Utah Medical Cannabis Act.” Under the new law, patients who are over the age of 21 and complain of one or more qualifying conditions can apply for a medical cannabis card after meeting with a Qualified Medical Provider (QMP). If a...
A recurring question in Utah’s pharmacies has been, “where are the extracts?” The live resin, the budder, shatter, rosin, etc. “where is it?” Some patients are even asking, “is it legal here?” and “why don’t you guys have any dab?’” The answer to those...